This abridged version of the original drama by William Shakespeare offers intrigue, conspiracy, loyalty, betrayal, idealism, ambition, superstition, fear hate, love, vengeance, turmoil and so much more. Between the triumph of the beginning and the fateful Ides of March of the ending, when the great general is slain by Cassius, Brutus and other conspirator, Shakespeare focuses on the intricate dance of the lead characters as the bonds of friendship are torn apart by conflicting vision of what is right. This story will intrigue you, offering a unique insight into the characters’ motivations and actions. Indeed, through the profundity of Shakespeare’s gaze Julius Caesar offers a definitive guide to political turmoil not just of Ancient Rome but for all time.
William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar – S890
A cura di: Pasquale Vaudo
Julius Caesar
Edizione: 2014
Pagine: 96
ISBN: 9788891400635
Codice: S890
Formato: 17 x 24
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Materiali docente
ATTENZIONE: L’accesso ai materiali didattici è riservato ai Docenti che hanno adottato il libro.
ATTENZIONE: L’accesso ai materiali didattici è riservato ai Docenti che hanno adottato il libro.
Life and works of William Shakespear
Detective work
Getting into the story
Presentation of the characters
Episode 1. On the road
Post-Reading activities
Detective work
Episode 2. The prophecy
Post-Reading activities
Episode 3. The plot: Brutus and Cassius
Post-Reading activities
Episode 4. The Missed Coronation
Post-Reading activities
Crossing Bridges English Literature – Latin Literature
Episode 5. Cassius’s plan
Post-Reading activities
Episode 6. The details of the plot
Post-Reading activities
Episode 7. Calphurnia’ dream
Post-Reading activities
Episode 8. Caesar’s murder
Post-Reading activities
Episode 9. Brutus’s speech
Post-Reading activities
Episode 10. Mark Antony’s speech
Post-Reading activities
Detective worl
Episode 11. The crowd’s rage
Post-Reading activities
Final activities
Trinity – style activities
Cambrige FCE – style activities
The CD symbols mark the beginning and end of each track
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